We stayed and had many strategy discussions in this cottage. The place "Levi" is Finish famous ski resourt. 2 minutes away from slope. While seeing skiers walking by through the window, we spent a lot of time in team discussion to form a next new direction in operations.
Here is the team. After heated discussion in various topics, time for appetite! We visited a beautiful cottage/restaurant for lunch. The grilled fish served in this restaurant was excellent. A man from the land of Sushi was very impressed;-). This farm(?) seems very old (150 years old?) and even had Santa Clause post office!
OK. First time I see a raindeer besides the one on a plate. None of them had horns. They looked very gentle and nice. Probably I should focus on fish from now on in the restaurant...
Fortunately, we had a chance to do some team activities. The organizer knows what to do to make the team as one...intellectual/active discussion, dine, wine and exercise! Bunch of us went to a snowmobile trip across forests. Traveled 65 kilo meters in 3 hours...reaching over 70 mph/110 kmh in speed (seriously, it was fast...maybe too fast...). At the end of trip, we reached the top of Levi ski resort. Quiet and pleasant moment.